September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month for American Public Libraries


catlibrarycardThere is no better time of the year than September to sign up for a library card. All next month, the American Library Association (ALA) and libraries all across the country are celebrating the value of getting a library card. If you don’t already have a library card, then be sure to stop by your local public library sometime during the month of September. If you have one, but know a friend or young person who doesn’t, then bring them to the library to get a card! They will want one to check out books, ebooks, audio tapes, cds, videos, dvds, and access computer terminals, databases and download mp3s—all free!

Live in Brooklyn?

Live in Manhattan, Bronx, or Staten Island?

Live in Queens?


“This Is What a Librarian Looks Like”


Philadelphia based photographer/videographer Kyle Cassidy spoke with and photographed librarians at the American Library Association’s (ALA) 2014 Midwinter conference in Philadelphia and the results are in (see the entire photo essay here). Cassidy’s concept was, “If I can put you in front of 50,000 people to tell them one thing about libraries and librarians, what would it be?” In interviews, Cassidy asked librarians to talk about the challenges libraries face and why now, perhaps more than ever, they’re important. Sure, this is only what some librarians look like. That said, I was happy to hear these voices and honestly, I thought everyone looked fabulous (hi Ingrid!)


Librarians Stand with Wisconsin


Rallies were held across the country Saturday to support thousands holding steady at the Wisconsin Capitol in their fight against Republican-backed legislation aimed at weakening unions. Union supporters organized from New York to Los Angeles in a show of solidarity as the protest in Madison entered its 12th straight day and attracted its largest crowd yet: more than 70,000 people.

Republican Gov. Scott Walker has introduced a bill that includes stripping almost all public workers, from librarians to snow plow drivers, of their right to collectively bargain on benefits and work conditions. Walker has said the bill would help close a projected $3.6 billion deficit in the 2011-13 budget. He also argues that freeing local governments from collective bargaining would give them flexibility amid deep budget cuts.

ALA president Roberta Stevens on proposed collective bargaining legislation: “The ALA supports library employees in seeking equitable compensation and recognizes the principle of collective bargaining as an important element of successful labor-management relations. We affirm the right of employees to organize and bargain collectively with their employers, without fear of reprisal. These are basic workers’ rights that we defend for thousands of academic, public and school library professionals.”

Knowledge (as opposed to mere information gathering), Public Space (as opposed to commercial or private space), and Sharing (as opposed to buying and selling)


Below is an excerpt from a speech given by Naomi Klein at the joint American Library Association/Canadian Library Association Conference, June 24 2003. Seven years old and still oh, so relevant. The topic: globalization and a warning to librarians against privatization.

When we talk about free trade or globalization, what we are really talking about is the fencing in, the enclosing, of the commons. This has reached into every aspect of our lives: health and education, of course, but also ideas, seeds, now purchased and patented, as well as traditional remedies, plants, water and even human genes: the privatization of life itself. And as you know, it is also reaching into libraries. Information, your stock and trade, ranks just below fuel as the most precious commodity coursing through the global economy. The U.S.’s single largest export is not manufactured goods or arms or food, it is copyrights; patents on everything from books to drugs…..This is the essence of free trade: making sure that absolutely nothing, whether books or water or ideas, is offered for free. The role of international trade law must be understood not only as taking down barriers to trade,  as it claims, but as a legal process that systematically puts up new barriers, around knowledge, technology and the commons itself, through fiercely protective patent and trademark law. There is absolutely nothing free about it.

The best way you can preserve the state funding you currently receive is to resist the temptation to partially privatize your precious public spaces, whether by letting advertisements into libraries, or co-branding with Microsoft, or outsourcing more of your core services. The more you allow the lines to be blurred between a library and a superstore, or a library and, heaven forbid, Google Answer, the more these multinationals will be able to turn around and claim that you are robbing them of their rightful market share. Partial privatizations will be used as the thin edge of the wedge, the legal precedent, to force more complete privatization down the road. It’s already happening with water, health care, sewers, and energy. Why, when information is so profitable, would libraries be immune?

Book store chains can imitate that feeling with local interest sections and story times, Amazon can talk about community stake holders, but a marketing concept will never be able to replicate the passion that flows from an institution that is truly an outgrowth of the people it serves. That passion, that sense of collective ownership, is your greatest protection in the unavoidable battles ahead. Remember that the next time a management consultant tells you that the only way to save your library is to act more like a corporation, or to turn your library into a bargain Barnes and Noble. Not only won’t it work, it will hurt you in the future when your users don’t fight for you because they can’t tell the difference between public and private space. The best way to stay public is to be public – truly, defiantly, radically public.

Naomi Klein is a leading anti-sweatshop activist, and author of Fences and Windows: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Globalization Debate? (Picador, 2002) and No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies (Picador, 2000). Visit the No Logo website:

Prisoners Right to Read Incorporated Into ALA’s Library Bill of Rights


The Library Bill of Rights are statements of basic principles adopted by the ALA Council that govern the service of all libraries, ranging from the rights of youth to service to diversity in collection development. The Library Bill of Rights can be found in the Intellectual Freedom Manual, Eighth Edition, available online. Newly incorporated to the Bill is the Prisoners Right to Read (Adopted by the ALA Council, July 2010) underlining the following selected principles as guidelines to all library services provided to prisoners:

* Collection management should be governed by written policy, mutually agreed upon by librarians and correctional agency administrators, in accordance with the Library Bill of Rights, its Interpretations, and other
ALA intellectual freedom documents.

* Correctional libraries should have written procedures for addressing challenges to library materials, including a policy-based description of the disqualifying features, in accordance with “Challenged Materials” and other relevant intellectual freedom documents.

* Correctional librarians should select materials that reflect the demographic composition, information needs, interests, and diverse cultural values of the confined communities they serve.

* Age is not a reason for censorship. Incarcerated children and youth should have access to a wide range of fiction and nonfiction, as stated in “Free Access to Libraries for Minors.”

* Correctional librarians should make all reasonable efforts to provide sufficient materials to meet the information and recreational needs of prisoners who speak languages other than English.

* Equitable access to information should be provided for persons with disabilities as outlined in “Services to People with Disabilities.”

* Media or materials with non-traditional bindings should not be prohibited unless they present an actual compelling and imminent risk to safety and security.

* Material with sexual content should not be banned unless it violates state and federal law.

* Correctional libraries should provide access to computers and the Internet.

Congressional Inclusion of Libraries in Recovery Package?


Jeffrey Scherer, board chair of Libraries for the Future in New York and Minneapolis architect (MS&R) who worked on the Alvar Branch renovation in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, has sent a letter to the New York Times urging that libraries not be left behind in the federal stimulus package.

He writes, “The proposed language of the $825 Billion Recovery Plan before the House of Representatives today does not include money for our libraries. While it includes roads and bridges to drive across our communities, it must include our intellectual bridges, the public library.”

The American Library Association (ALA) responded that Scherer, “though good-intentioned, has misunderstood and misrepresented the bill,” noting that libraries are qualifying institutions “for the K-12 Repair and Modernization funding and the Higher Education Repair and Modernization funding.” (That does still seem to leave out public libraries, however.)

To this, Scherer told the ALA Washington Office that his reading still indicates “that essentially public libraries are getting shorted in this bill,” from which “the 15,000+ public libraries in our society basically get nothing.” He went on to say, “That does not in any way suggest that the higher education, rural (native American) and school libraries do not deserve all that they can get. I applaud you for pointing this out. However, when a huge percentage of libraries are excluded, the notion that some libraries are included is just not enough.”

New ALA Tough Economy Toolkit


Chicago — A new web-based resource has just been released that will help library advocates make the case for libraries during times of economic downturn (such as now). The “Advocating in a Tough Economy” toolkit is available here.

“With city, county, state and federal budgets under increasing pressure, we need to be making the case for libraries more than ever. All too often, libraries are the first to receive budget cuts. Funders need to understand the essential role that libraries play in our society and economy, with usage up significantly, and increasing numbers of people coming to libraries for job-related services, for access to government assistance programs, and as a way of making their money go further.” says Keith Michael Fiels, ALA Executive Director. “The new toolkit will arm librarians and library supporters with the facts and strategies they need to speak out effectively for libraries in this tough economy.”

The toolkit contains information on how to work with decision-makers, ways to work with the media, and talking points to help libraries articulate the role of libraries in times of economic downturn. Talking points on the economic value of libraries, with return-on-investment examples; libraries and the economy; and upswings in library usage are included. Users are also invited to share their stories of how they have successfully advocated. Recent media coverage of libraries is also featured.

This resource is part of the “Advocacy U”, ALA’s new initiative geared to providing tools, training and resources to library advocates achieve real advocacy goals in real situations at the local level. Learn more at

“The Advocating in a Tough Economy Toolkit” is also a work in process. Updates and improvements will be implemented as new information and new success stories become available.

Re-post: What Do Library Staff Want President Obama to Know?


What Do Library Staff Want President Obama to Know?

During the economic downturn, library services are in greater demand for access to and assistance with job searching, financial aid, class assignments, lifetime learning, free Internet for poor families, government forms and programs. Just when families need libraries more, budgets, services, and hours are being cut. How can libraries serve as catalysts in communities to help the administration put its agenda into motion? ALA’s Executive Board and Membership Meeting Committee are sponsoring a Special Membership Town Hall Meeting on Saturday, Jan. 24th, from 3 PM to 4:30 PM in the Four Seasons Ballroom at the Colorado Convention Center. ALA wants to hear from you!

Because not everyone is able to participate in and ask questions of the candidates at the presidential candidates’ forum, anyone who can’t be there can still participate by submitting YouTube videos to ask the candidates their questions.

YouTube Candidates Forum Submission guidelines:

. Questions should be submitted as videos and posted to YouTube
. Maximum running time for a video is 90 seconds
. Every submission must be tagged: ALAelection09
. The individual/group submitting a video must use their true name/s
. Anyone interested in the election and/or candidates may submit

Deadline for submissions: January 16, 2009

Your suggestions and comments will help develop what ALA President Jim Rettig will share with President Obama and the new administration.

Reflections on Librarianship


The following is a letter which was recently posted to the ALA Council List by PLG member Elaine Harger in which she reflects on where libraries, specifically public libraries, fit into the communities in which they are situated. She brings important questions to the table with regard to the roles and responsibilities held by both individual libraries and larger library affiliated institutions in light of economic and environmental disaster. Please read as food for thought and thank you to Kathleen de la Peña McCook for making this available to the broader PLG community!

Dear colleagues,

I’ve been thinking quite a bit about all the suggestions made this past week regarding topics for discussion at the Membership Meeting at annual. I have also been thinking about ALA and librarianship in general in regard to environmental issues and have yet another idea to add to the hopper.

How do we make libraries relevant in the face of ecological degradation and disaster? For instance, did libraries in New Orleans inform their users about the probability that a hurricane like Katrina might cause the kind of damage that it, in fact, did? It was well known to civil engineers, journalists and others that a big hurricane would devastate the region, but did libraries ever highlight that information so that people might be better prepared? And, what role did libraries in wealthy areas play in fostering a spirit of civic unity with people in poor areas? How did libraries inform users of the likelihood of massive numbers of people becoming refugees? And, what should a library’s responsibility be in the face of the ecological stresses scientists are now warning us about? What is ALA’s responsibility as a leader within our profession? These are not academic questions — each one of our communities is vulnerable and we are all interconnected in vital ways. I think it is time for a discussion of these issues, as they are at the heart of a conversation that the entire nation needs to engage in. Yes, we can discuss what we’d like to see an Obama administration do in regard to libraries, but we need a _vision_ of the direction librarianship must head toward in the face of environmental (and economic, social and political) problems before we can take a wish list to the new president.

Librarianship needs to take a good, hard, eyes-wide-open look at where we are physically, historically and morally in order to transition the profession to meet the pressures of a future the likes of which we’ve never seen. If we are to make good on our promises to bear witness of what happened in New Orleans, then we need to reflect on what our responsibility is in preparing our own users and communities for the “disasters” that await us. We can certainly “hope” that President Obama will lead us in the right direction regarding these matters, but we really should be proactive and let him know that we have been thinking about the role librarianship could play in the transition to a more just and healthy world.

This afternoon I read an essay by Arundhati Roy entitled “Do Turkeys Enjoy Thanksgiving?” In it she makes a special point about honorable people who get elected to positions of power. I highly recommend this essay, which can be found at:

We can’t passively “hope” for a better world, we need to be that change, and in order for this to happen within librarianship we need to do some serious reflection on where we fit into society, what that society is truly like and what we would like it to become.

All my best,

Elaine Harger

Banned Books Week


Since its beginnings in 1982, Banned Books Week: Celebrating the Freedom to Read is observed during the last week of September each year. This year (September 27 – October 4) marks BBW’s 27th anniversary and to kick off Banned Books Week in Chicago, the American Library Association, the McCormick Tribune Freedom Museum, and the Chicago Tribune will host a Banned Books Week Read-Out! The event will feature popular banned or challenged authors and local Chicago celebrities on Saturday, September 27, from noon to 3:00, at Pioneer Plaza.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Banned Books Week raises awareness both in the United States and internationally about threats to free speech. Banned Books Week was started by the Office for Intellectual Freedom of the American Library Association.

If you are in the Chicago area, why not drop by to hear noted, banned authors including Judy Blume, Stephen Chbosky, Chris Crutcher, Lois Lowry, Lauren Myracle, and Justin Richardson & Peter Parnell. Rumor has it that book signings will follow their readings. Far from Chicago? Consider hosting your own Read Out. Info is available on how to do an effective event, big or